Rye Foundation Switzerland

The Swiss Rye Foundation went bankrupt in April 2024. The Roggenstube restaurant and the Hotel Roggen will remain closed until further notice. For background information, see blog post from July 2024

The foundation operates a center to promote rye as a valuable healthy food in Switzerland, especially in the Leuk region, and aims to inform and sensitize people to the benefits of rye.

Through research, knowledge transfer, innovation, accommodation and food and information about rye - from the raw material to the end product - the foundation seeks to create a sustainable value chain and network all these activities with all its know-how. The foundation is building and operating the infrastructure necessary for the fulfilment of the goal. The Foundation is located in the building of the Rye Center.

Rye bakery

With specialties from our rye bakery, you can immerse yourself in an authentic dining experience tasting traditional Valais culture.
Only in Erschmatt will you find the original rye bread in its organic quality - healthy and a regional speciality - eifach güät!

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